Find Us - Where We Meet

Our Address and Meeting Times

1st Cold Ash Meeting Place:

St. Finnian’s R C Primary School Hall

The Ridge, Cold Ash,
Thatcham RG189HU

Beavers section meeting times:
Thursday evenings 6pm to 7pm during school term.

Cub section meeting times:
Tuesday evenings  6pm to 7:30pm during school term.

Scout sections meeting times:
Thursday evenings 7:15pm (7:30pm Parade)-21:00pm during school term.

Uniform and How Much Does it Cost

All sections at 1st Cold Ash wear a scout uniform. Uniforms are practical and it ensures that no one feels uncomfortable or left out and helps everyone feel part of the group. Our uniform consists of a sweatshirt, or shirt that you can sew badges on and a red and blue coloured scarf or ‘necker’ to represent our group.

At 1st Cold Ash we charge £45 fee per term (called subscriptions or subs) to cover the costs of running regular meetings – which covers our hall hire costs, insurances, and materials for activities. Activities such as camps and other events will have separate fees. We try to keep our subs as low as possible so that anyone can come to Scouts. If you need help paying subs, please speak with our Group Leader.