1st Cold Ash Scout Troop
1st Cold Ash Scout Troop has two scout sections both of which meet on a Thursday night during school term. The Kangaroo and Koala sections were named in honour our two Australian Scout Leaders GILL and SKIP. The group today has 33 active youth members and 4 Scout Leaders delivering a balanced programme and creating as much mayhem as possible. At Cold Ash Scout Section our leaders bring with them over 80 years of scouting experience. Our aim is to provide fun learning while promoting scouting values, encouraging our young people to learn and apply skills, and accept all challenges as an everyday part of life.
As a Scout section we have a capacity to provide places for up to 44 young people and the section is open to girls and boys aged between 10 and 14 years. As a member of Cold Ash Scout Troop, you will take part in a wide range of activities. We run around 4 camps a year, and during the summer term we are outdoors all term.
Cold Ash Scout Section runs with a focus on the Scout Law and Promise, in sections that are principally run by the Scouts for the benefit of all Scouts. We focus on active participation, as a member of a patrol with an emphasis on fun learning. Our primary goal is to encourage and nurture leadership skills in our young people. Build a sense of community, care for others, and create life skills that build confidence. Scout achievements are recognised through the achievement of several Challenge and Activity based badges.
Our section leaders work with the Scouts to run a balanced program. Activities include traditional Scouting skills, camping, survival, canoeing, cooking and map reading and navigation. Scouts are encouraged improve their skills, explore their limits, and grow their values and personal attitudes.
At 1st Cold Ash, Scouting is about being with friends, as part of a team, joining in adventures, while taking the opportunity to learn and grow and being a member of the worldwide family of Scouting.
We hope to see you soon
Sean Gilllespie (GILL)
Scout Leader
1st Cold Ash Scout Groupcre